Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2nd Wednesday of the Great Lent - Gospel Reading - St. Matthew 18:1-11

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus
Hope your Lenten season is a blessed season in prayer and fasting. Today I would like you to concentrate on the Gospel Reading from the Book of St. Matthew 18:1-11. I would like to concentrate on the following 2 verses from the whole teaching of Jesus that we read today -
"I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven." - St. Matt. 18:3
"What sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting." - St. Matt. 18:7
Dear  friends we see here again that Jesus wants us to overlook the preoccupations of this world and the fame that comes along with it. He wants us to concentrate on Him and love Him and not lose sight of Him while we are working with the organization of Jesus' earthly kingdom. We are not to lose sight of the divine purpose. Now a days, just like the disciples, we are mainly aiming for the worldly fame and position that comes when we work for Jesus. We tend to lose sight of Jesus and His way. He calls us to trust in Him like children, because children are trusting by nature.

And since the children trust the adults, they are easily led to Christ. We are to be like children in our trust in Jesus and also we are to lead children to Jesus. God holds parents and other adults accountable for how they influence their little ones. Jesus warned that anyone who turns little children away from their faith in Him will receive severe punishment.

Jesus also warns us against temptation and tempting others to sin. As leaders, we are to help the young ones or new believers or those who are going through troubled times avoid anything and anyone that might cause them to stumble in their faith and lead them to sin. We must remove the stumbling blocks in our lives and then in our neighbor's lives that causes us to sin. Any relationship, activity or practice that leads to sin should be stopped.

Dear brethren, hope you have a blessed Lenten season and may the death of Jesus be a death of sins in your lives and the resurrection of Jesus, a new life in Jesus. May God bless you all and keep you. Please do keep me in your prayers.

Your brother in Christ

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