Thursday, April 4, 2013

Demands of Jesus - Do Not Be Anxious About the Threats of Man - 2

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus
In the last session, we learnt that we should be courageous to talk about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We should  be courageous to stand for Jesus in the dark and unsavory world, in which we are now living. Now let us look at some of the reasons why we should have courage to be standing for Christ, even if it means death of our life and everything we might hold dear in our life.

When we consider Matthew 10:26, Jesus says, "SO [therefore] have no fear of them." In other words, fearlessness should flow from what Jesus just said - "If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of His household."
Jesus reasons such: "Your mistreatment for speaking the truth is not some unexpected, random, meaningless experience; instead it's the same way they treated me, and so it's a sign that you belong to me. So don't be afraid of the names they call you when you speak out plainly. Those very names bind you and me together."

Secondly, in the middle of the same verse 26 - "So have no fear of them; FOR nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that  will not be known." How are we to be made courageous here?
It gives us assurance that the truth we are speaking will triumph. It will be vindicated in the end. People may reject it ow. They may call it demonic. They may cast it out. They may try to bury it and hide it from the world ad pretend that it does not exist. But Jesus says, "Take heart in the cause of truth, because in the end all truth will be revealed. All reality will be uncovered. Ad those who spoke it with clarity and openness will be vindicated.'

Thirdly, Jesus says, fear not, you can only be killed! "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" (Matt. 10:28). In other words, the worst thing your opponents can do to you when you speak the truth is kill your body. And that leaves the soul untouched and happy in God forever. But if you keep silent, if you forsake the path of truth and fall in love with the praise of men, you could lose your very soul. If you want to fear something, fear that! But don't fear what man can do to you. All he can do is dispatch your soul to paradise. Fear not.

Your Brother in Christ Jesus
Jobin George

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