Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Demands of Jesus - REPENT - Part 3

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus
In the previous session, Part 2 we understood that sin is an assault on God and dishonors Him and puts us in debt to Him to make our relationship right with Him. We also understood that repenting is experiencing a change of mind so that we can see God as true and beautiful and worthy of all our praise and all our obedience. This change of mind also embraces Jesus in the same way, because He came from the Father and He and the Father are one.
But do we all need to repent? If so why? Let us learn about it.

No one is excluded from Jesus' demand to repent. He made this clear when a group of people came to him with news of two calamities. Innocent people had been killed by Pilate's massacre and by the fall of the tower of Siloam (Luke 13:1-4). Jesus took the occasion to warn even the bearers of the news: "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:5). In other words, don't think calamities mean that some people are sinners in need of repentance and others aren't. All need repentance. Just as all need to be born again (John 3:7), so all must repent because all are sinners.

When Jesus said, "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:32), he did not mean that some persons are good enough not to need repentance. he meant some think they are (Luke 18:9), and others have already repented and have been set right with God. For example, the rich young ruler desired "to justify himself" (Luke 10:29), while "the tax collector... beat his breast, saying 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner! [and he] went down to his house justified [by God]" (Luke 18:13-14).

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus
We now understood why there is a universal need for repentance, because not one of us is righteous enough to stand in the face of Jesus, save one - Jesus. We may think that we are not sinners in our deeds, which are  seen by everyone, but we sin in our thoughts - the only place that is seen by God. Jesus came down from Heaven to set us right with God, and to be set right with Him, we need to repent of our sins and come anew. We must be washed in His blood and become as white as newly fallen snow. Let us try to repent of our sinful thoughts and deeds and come and enjoy the presence of our Savior King.
May the Lord Almighty bless you and keep you in all your ways.
Your brother in Christ Jesus
Jobin George

Source: What Jesus Demands from the World - John Piper

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