Thursday, February 21, 2013

2nd Thursday of the Great Lent - Gospel Reading - St. Luke 16:1-13

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus
In today's Gospel Reading, Jesus asks us to understand some unusual teachings of His. Let us look into His parable in St. Luke 16:1-13. We all know Jesus usually taught with the help of parables. Here Jesus is using a parable of a steward and his master. Who is a steward? A steward is a person who looks after some one else's property and goods, today we call such a person a store manager.

In the parable, Jesus says that the steward was a thief and he was caught by his master in his thievery and he was demanded the books to show all the accounts so that he could be penalized. But for self-preservation, he took the little bit of time that he had been given to turn the situation to his advantage. He went to many of the customers of his boss and started reducing the money owed by them and gave them discount. Thus he started making friends out of them so that he could go back to them for favor for the favor they received.
This really was an act of thievery; the steward was using money owed to his owner to make friends for himself.  It’s easy to be generous with someone else’s money. 

But what happened to the steward? Anyone listening to the story would have guessed that the steward would get double the punishment he deserved. God hates sin. He had commanded thus, "Thou shall not steal." So naturally we would guess that Jesus would say the story in such a manner that the steward is punished. But surprisingly, it does not happen. Instead, the owner of the steward actually compliment the steward for his shrewdness for taking care of himself with the owner's money. Then, Jesus deliver's the punchline:

"Use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings." - St. Luke 16:9

Jesus asks us to be like the shrewd manager. You might think that Jesus is kidding. Right? No. Jesus never instructs us to lie or cheat. So what then is the instruction Jesus is giving? How are we as God's children to imitate the liar and thief?

Before that we have to realize that just like the steward, even we as God's children have been entrusted with some estate of God's to manage. Every single thing that we own belongs to God, it all comes from Him and returns to Him. The early fathers of the church wrote about it thus - Gaudentius writes:
“In this world nothing is really ours. … we have been entrusted with the stewardship of the goods of our Lord, either to use them, with giving of thanks, according to our needs, or to distribute them to our fellow servants according as they need. … it is not lawful to misuse indiscriminately the means that have been committed to us, or to claim the right to extravagant expense and display; for we must render an account of our stewardship to the Lord when He comes.”
Likewise, Chrysostom writes:
“We are not placed in this life as lords in our own houses, but as guests and strangers … He who is now rich in a moment is a beggar.  Therefore, whoever you may be, know that you are but an administrator of things that belong to Another. You have been given the right of brief and passing use of them.  Therefore cast out of your soul the pride of dominion, and put on instead the modesty and humility of a steward.”
It's so easy to imagine that whatever you have worked for and earned belong to you alone. Right? And it is correct to always hold on to it with an iron grip. God says, "Think again. I am glad to let you use these things for a little while. But don't get too attached and don't get proud that you have these things. Use them wisely. Especially use them to make friends for you and for Me, as did that steward."

How do make friends with money, and other goods? You know the answer to that! By giving it away. It's easy to be generous with someone else's money, as Martin Luther wrote:
Whoever wants to be a Christian must gladly, willingly and benevolently help the one who is in need and give wherever he can.  This is serving God, and He will ultimately reward you.  On the other hand, the skinflints and profiteers who can do nothing but pinch pennies and give nothing to anyone, or very sparingly, served the accursed devil, who will also reward them in kind.”

Don't misunderstand what Luther when he says God will reward you. You can't buy your way into heaven by giving money away, whether to a beggar or the Church. But when you give it way, two things happen. First, being a Christian, you make friends for God – people come to see the God you serve as generous, loving and good through your generosity, love and goodness.

Second, when you give it away you are fighting the good fight of faith.  Faith believes God when He says, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  Faith trusts and thanks God for all that you need to support this body and life, but ultimately believes that this world is not your home; that you are but a stranger here, heaven is your home.
Such faith is given to you by God, is exercised by fighting the good fight of faith, and ultimately is rewarded when you receive the goal of your faith, the salvation of your soul.  That salvation is the one thing that God wants you to have and hold forever. 
Our God, Jesus the Christ, was willing to give it all away for you.  He laid down His entire life at the cross that you might His life up as your own, and live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity.
No one can serve two masters.  You cannot serve God and mammon.  As for you and your house, may you serve the Lord who gives eternal life!
Your brother in Christ Jesus
Jobin George


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