Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Moment 12: Battlefield Peace

It was World War I on Christmas Eve. The German and British troops were dug in just hundreds of yards apart. Suddenly, the voices of German soldiers drifted across the lines, singing “Silent Night”…followed amazingly by hundreds of British soldiers joining in the carol. Imagine, “Sleep in heavenly peace” in the middle of a battlefield.

Actually, no one has the power to bring peace in the midst of a battle like Jesus does. And increasingly, our world feels more like a battlefield—including the unsettling battles in our own personal lives. The Bible tells us that peace is a Person. Speaking of Jesus, it says, ‘He Himself is our peace” (Ephesians 2:14 ). That peace is the bringing together of us with the God we’re away from. Our sin has left us far from Him, so there’s never really any inner peace until we let Jesus bring us home to Him.

If you’ve never done that, this would be a wonderful time to begin your relationship with Jesus Chris.

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