Day 5: A Jesus Who Died and A Savior Who's Alive
Last time we discussed the third magnet to pull people to Jesus - a positiveness they'll want. Many times others will be watching when you are going through the worst storms of life. When they see you, they should see hope like a lighthouse in a storm.
Last time we also discussed the fourth magnet to pull people to Jesus - a rock to build a life on. Jesus offers the people you know something solid to build their life around. You have the information on which their eternity depends. You have the Rock they could build on that will withstand every storm. You can be a magnet to pull people to Jesus!
Do you focus on the crucified and risen Savior?
The fifth magnet to pull people to Jesus is a Jesus who died for them. 1 Peter 2:24 says, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed." He took our place on the cross and died for us. Make much of the cross!
Charles Spurgeon once said, "When the church has not been ashamed to put the cross in the forefront, she's never had to be ashamed. For God has been with her and Jesus has drawn all men to Himself. A Living Savior men may love but a crucified Savior they must love." If they perceive that He loved them and gave Himself for them, their hearts are stolen away. Take them to the cross and let them stand at the foot of a blood red cross and say "For me. For me." That is the soul of your message. Don't encumber the Gospel with other things, because the importance lies in the cross and an empty tomb.
The sixth and final magnet to pull people to Jesus is He's a Savior who's alive. We have been born again to a Living Hope and that hope is a person. When Jesus walked out of His tomb, He said to the women "Go tell the disciples and Peter." Peter was one of the disciples, but Jesus knew that Peter had denied Him. He knew that Peter felt like it was over. The one disciple He personally met after he came out of the tomb was Peter himself. When Peter knew Jesus was alive, it turned his life around. Jesus is a living Savior.
You don't have a religion to give them, you have a person. If Jesus can conquer death, He can conquer anything they're fighting in their life. This is not about a religion, beliefs, or rituals; it's about a person death could not hold. Stick to Jesus because it's all about Him. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." Some people believe that we should spend a lot of our time and energies on culture wars as there are many battles. The early Christians believed that in the horrible morality of their day, which was worse than ours. They didn't picket and they didn't lobby. They just preached a crucified and risen Savior, and it rocked the empire.
With the eternity perspective, you look at the people in your world and you see not just co-workers, friends, or neighbors, but you see the future inhabitants of hell. The people in hell will look like the people you see every day. You have the decisive information that can take them from the list that says "lost" to the one that says "saved." Move beyond your fear to be a rescuer, and bring people to Jesus. God has placed you among people whose lives are at stake and you are His assigned rescuer. Would you be more afraid of what will happen to them than what might happen to you, and bring them out while there's time?
You could be a two-legged magnet playing a decisive role in where someone you care about will be for all eternity. They are not creatures of time; they, too, are creatures of eternity!
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