It’s Christmas! That means it’s time to help set up my friend's antique electric train. Of course, the train just sits there until we’ve set up that black box called the transformer. It takes all that high voltage outside and brings it down to where we can use it.
There’s probably never been a time when we have needed God’s power more to make our marriage work, to be what our kids need us to be, to rise above the stress, or to overcome our dark side. On Christmas, Jesus Christ came to us as the Divine Transformer to bring the power of God within our reach.
And the Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17 ). The things in you that you’ve never been able to change, Jesus can change. The you that you know you need to be, Jesus can make you. He died on the cross to forgive your past, and when you get Jesus, you get the transforming power of God.
If you want to begin this life-changing relationship with Jesus, accept Him, let Him be your transformer. At the dawn of a new millennium—let Him bring forth a new you!
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