Day 4: A Positiveness They Want and A Rock to Build a Life On
Last time we discussed the second magnet to pull people to Jesus - a story they can't deny. If you know Him, you have a story to tell. Explain what Jesus has done for you and the difference He has made in your life. Every Christian has a personal story of hope telling what their life would be like if it weren't for Jesus. Listen to their story to win you the right to tell your hope story, then embed in your hope story the love story of Jesus.
Do you realize you have something they need?
The third magnet to pull people to Jesus is a positiveness they'll want. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." They will be attracted to the hope that you have, the Jesus glow in you, and to an unsinkable positiveness. Many times others will be watching when you are going through the worst storms of life - bad news from the doctor, financial trouble, trouble with your kids.
Let them see a Jesus that works in the darkest hour and a positiveness they'll want. There's no excuse for a crabby Christian, a sourpuss saint, or a bumbed out believer. When they see you, they should see hope like a lighthouse in a storm. There should always be hope shining out from you. They'll want to know where that comes from, and the darkest time is when hope will shine the brightest out of your life.
The fourth magnet to pull people to Jesus is a rock to build a life on. 1 Peter 2:6 says, "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." This describes a wonderful characteristic of Jesus because a cornerstone means something to build around. Jesus offers the people you know something solid to build their life around. Everybody you know is a candidate for hope.
Everyone needs a rock to build their life on, and Jesus offers that. Colossians 1:16 is a great place to begin to share the Gospel and it says, "All things were created by him and for him." USA Today did a national survey and they asked people, "If you could ask a supreme being one question and be guaranteed an answer, what would you ask them?" "What happens after you die" was at distant second. Number one by far was, "What is the purpose of life?"
People everywhere need a cornerstone to build a life on and you know where that cornerstone is. They were created by someone and they were created for someone. They will have a hole in their heart until they know that someone, and you know Him and they don't! You have the information their eternity depends on while the people around you are building sand castles that will go down with the next high tide. You have the Rock they could build on that will withstand every storm. You can be a magnet to pull people to Jesus because you can tell about the Rock on which they can build their life.
Tomorrow, we will discuss the fifth and sixth magnets to pull people to Jesus.
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